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Writer's pictureAntonio Soto


Sound therapy is one of the most effective ways to heal in the world today. And because it doesn’t rely on medication or drugs, it can help those who are allergic to or negatively affected by the side effects of pharmaceuticals.

Sound-healing therapies are used in medical facilities across the globe to address PTSD and its associated symptoms, including anxiety, sleep challenges, grief, depression, anger, and panic attacks...

And they’ve shown remarkable success in helping lessen the tremors in Parkinson’s patients, in calming autistic adults, and in helping the anxious and agitated in homeless shelters quickly achieve and maintain a state of peace and homeostasis.

Sound-healing therapies are also used to address fibromyalgia, digestive issues, and autoimmune disorders... and to boost the immune system.

Plus, sound healing just plain feels good!

If you’ve ever experienced it — whether through the vibrations of a drum, Tibetan singing bowls, gong, or even specially composed music — you’ll attest that it can leave you in a delicious state of calm relaxation...

Stress, even pain, dissipates, and feelings of joy filter in, as your brain waves slow down and every cell in your body shifts from dis-ease to ease

Sound Healing help create the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy by sending out vibrations that detect a physical or emotional imbalance, which shows up as resistance and turbulence in your biofield.

Ultimately, the use of coherent tones on and around the body reduces dissonance and resistance in the body’s electrical system, allowing for optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy and an overall state of wellbeing...

Simply put, sound healing creates vibrational frequencies that allow the body to “tune” itself.

1) ENHANCES SLEEP Good sleep is essential for a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Sound therapy can help us all improve our sleep by decreasing stress and anxiety, as well as providing listeners with a better awareness of what they want in life. But it’s also important to remember that sound therapy isn’t necessarily a quick fix – you might need to listen to certain frequencies or sounds over an extended period of time before you experience any benefits. That said, many people report feeling relaxed or centered immediately after listening to sound therapy recordings.

2) IT ALLEVIATES DEPRESSION Listening to soothing music can help combat depression as well as relieve stress. Even something as simple as listening to your favorite song while relaxing can help bring a smile to your face and alleviate some of that weight that seems to be weighing you down. It’s good for your brain and soul. Give it a try. There are plenty of ways to listen to tunes throughout your day, from streaming services like Spotify or Pandora, on websites like YouTube or even through smart watches like the Apple Watch or Fitbit. Music therapy is nothing new, but using it in an innovative way and with specific goals in mind can greatly improve health and wellness—especially when combined with other sound therapies like meditation bowls, or sound baths (described below). Sound therapy uses sound waves that mimic natural vibrations found in nature, such as ocean waves, wind blowing across fields, and other organic sounds produced by plants, animals, and insects.

3) RELIEVES STRESS Did you know that stress is one of our greatest modern threats to health? Not only does it increase our risk of developing disease, but it can also have a negative impact on brain development in children. Unfortunately, stress is more of a given in today’s world than ever before; many people who struggle with physical or emotional trauma can find relief by learning how to manage their fight or flight response through sound therapy. With help from a trained professional, you can change your own body’s stress response so it responds positively in times of trouble instead of negatively, which will not only improve your immediate health but also lower your long-term risk for chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Instruments like Tibetan singing bowls and gongs can be used.

4) IT IMPROVES COGNITIVE FUNCTION. The world is a noisy place, and many of us spend an excessive amount of time listening to sounds like traffic, airplanes, construction, TVs, and more. This can be fatiguing on our brains and bodies because so much stimulation tricks our minds into working harder to understand what we’re hearing. Listening to quiet music or nature sounds helps restore cognitive function because it allows your mind to relax for a little while.

5) HELPS WITH INSOMNIAS Sound therapy can be very effective in reducing insomnia, by improving sleep patterns and even helping you come up with better strategies for getting a good night’s rest. This can help prevent or reduce stress and decrease your risk of developing depression. Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University found that playing delta brainwave music (between 0-4Hz) before bedtime helped people fall asleep faster, wake up less often, and get a better quality of sleep overall.

6) AIDS IN THE REGULATION OF EMOTIONS AND MOODS When we’re feeling down or moody, sometimes we need a jolt of positivity to get us back on track. There are sound-therapy techniques designed specifically to target these feelings and help you feel happier more often. An added bonus is that these same techniques can be used for all kinds of other conditions as well—migraines, stress, anxiety, addiction, and so much more.

7) REDUCES ANXIETY Sound therapy has been shown to decrease anxiety and improve mood. When you’re feeling anxious, your body produces cortisol (the stress hormone), which suppresses your immune system and increases inflammation. Sound therapy changes your brainwave state and can make you feel more relaxed, reducing stress levels. It also helps in other ways: Studies have found that sound therapy with Tibetan singing bowls increases serotonin production; an imbalance of serotonin has been linked to conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders.

8) IMMUNE SYSTEM STIMULANT Sound therapy can also boost your immune system. Sound vibrations may be able to alter brain activity, producing an anti-inflammatory effect in their users. Sound therapy has been shown to reduce levels of stress hormones and cortisol, which are known to weaken a body’s natural defenses against disease. Some sound therapists have even claimed that music is effective at reducing pain and can speed healing time for wounds or bone fractures. Research studies are underway to determine if these claims have merit, but sound therapy is not recommended as a replacement for modern medicine or surgery. With more traditional medical treatment, it is most beneficial. It should be used as part of a holistic health and well-being program that also focuses on general health and well-being.

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