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Writer's pictureAntonio Soto

Before, during and after a Sound Healing Therapy Session

Go with an open heart and mind

Try and suspend any expectations or judgments before you go as well as during the practice.


This will really help to anchor you in the practice and the present. By “taking long deep breaths at the start of the sound bath, these will support you to deeply relax and encourage the body to open to the sound work”. If you find your mind wandering, gently bring the focus back to the breath, using it as an anchor for the experience.

Set an intention

Sound is a carrier of intention, so setting a personal focus for the session can be really powerful and can amplify the individual and group experience. The intention could be something you’re working on, or another beautiful way to amplify the effects is to dedicate the individual and group healing energy to someone else you feel needs some healing.

Don’t rush Allow yourself some time at the end of the session to just be, to take everything in and soak up the vibes that have been created. Take a moment to receive in the silence what shift has taken place. This helps to ground the experience and the brain to register what has happened. Stay in the room as long as you need to assimilate.


Wear comfortable clothes they can help you sink into the nurturing energy of the session. Feel free to bring crystals or any other favourite items that may help you to relax and feel comfortable during the session.

Create space

Being intoxicated, visiting a jarring environment or getting straight back onto a motorbike or back to work afterwards is not advised. Your nervous system will be sensitive after the session, so drink plenty of water and be gentile to your self.


Writing can be a powerful way to gain clarity on any shifts that may have taken place.

Watch what comes up

In the days, hours, weeks after. Have you received any insights on something that was troubling you? A different, higher perspective of viewing a situation? You may have revelatory dreams, or maybe the way you interact with people changes. Likewise, if you didn’t receive or feel anything, don’t be disheartened. The healing works on many different, often subtle levels that our logic-driven left brains can

Don’t compare

Sound healing is a deeply personal experience so if you go with a friend, don’t be put off if they’ve had a cosmic experience and you haven’t—it brings up different stuff for different people. I’ve reacted all kinds of ways, from crying to falling asleep (luckily the healing is just as effective when snoozing!). One of the most beautiful things about sound healing is that it’s different every time. There are endless possibilities!

Here I offer some Sound Therapy aftercare advice to do at home to support and maximise the benefit of your sound therapy session. These are guidelines and you are free to do all, some or none of them. The choice is always yours.

  • Drink plenty water after a Sacred Sound session.

  • Eat light, healthy meals in the next 24 hours.

  • Avoid alcohol in the next 24 hours.

  • Take a bath or shower after a Sacred Sound session.

  • Take rest or relaxation and avoid stressful situations in the next 24 hours.

  • Keep diary of reactions, benefits and feelings between treatments.

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