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Writer's pictureAntonio Soto

Something about Sound Healing...


Sound Healing uses various instruments such as Singing Bowls, Gongs, Drums, Rain-shakers, Chimes, Tuned Pipes, Tuning Forks, Shruti Box, Hang Drum, Voice and many other instruments to induce a deep state of relaxation which allows the vibrations from the sounds to resonate through your body to a cellular level; healing from within the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies.

Sound healing works on the principle that everything in our universe is energy which has a vibration. Everything in existence within the universe is in a vibrational state. The frequency at which we normally vibrate is called resonance and certain sounds resonate with different organs and parts of the body. Sound has been scientifically proven to have an effect on our autonomic, immune & endocrine systems as well as the neuropeptide transmitters in our brain.


  • It can soothe, purify and harmonise your emotions and feelings

  • It can stimulate the endocrine glands and regulate hormonal functioning

  • It can strengthen the immune system

  • It can help you to recover after illness, traumas and invasive medical treatments

  • It balances both hemispheres of the brain

  • It induces deep relaxation & can help to improve quality of sleep

  • It can cleanse energies and emotions that are not serving you well

  • It can reduce stress and lower you down into the parasympathetic nervous system where deep healing can take place

  • Many more....

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